
Tuesday 23 November 2021


  The air is crisp, the skies are blue, the flowers are growing bigger, the leaves are falling down  from the trees, the wind is blowing hard, the trees are growing even bigger, the sun is coming out the sea is looking nice, the waves are hitting the rocks, the bees are landing on the flowers getting some nice honey the grass is greener and short and nice.   

Monday 2 August 2021

this story is about Valerie Adams.

this story is about Valerie Adams.

Valerie adman was no the beast person in the world she actually was just a normal girl one day she was watching TV with here mum then they watch the Olympics then Valerie adman said to here mum that she will be in the Olympics but then the next day here mum died but then she started to Tran and then in the 1999 she was 18 and then she qualified for the Olympics she end up coming 10th for NZL so then she started to tran more and more then in 2021 she came first and second              

Monday 24 May 2021


 today my classism was doing this thing that was named protector it when you have to do questions like 6x3 and other questions some of them were hard but i got some of them but i m going to get beater at it.        

Thursday 20 May 2021

y7 snorkelling

 yesterday all of the Y7 what to this place that you could go snorkelling and learnt more about the there where 3 groups i was in groups 3 but some of my friend's were in other groups but this is what happened there was a groups that when't to go learnt about water and snorkelling my group when't to learn about the water we learn that we had to look at if our water is good or not then we started to go back and get ready to go snorkelling                   

Sheldon Whats in the Water?


Monday 10 May 2021

solar system

 solar system 

There are a lot of things in this solar system. Did you know that we have a lot of Life on earth? And we have a lot of water for all the solar system we have 8 plants we did have 9 but one went out of the solar system. It was Pluto, the smallest planet in the Galaxy and the biggest planet is Jupiter. There is this one planet named Uranus no one can go on Uranus because there is a lot of gas.did you know that the moon orbits with the earth around the did you know that it takes 365 days for the earth to orbit the sun.did you know that not just earth have water some planets have water.there is this cloud planet is neptune..             

Friday 9 April 2021

24 Hour Footprint: Digital Map


The Anzac button book

 The Anzac button  book

there is a book that is the Anzac button in the book there are soldier's that had button's on there jacket. Some time's the button on the jacket actually save one soldier that was in the war what happened the soldier took of his jacket and then the soldier started ruining with the jacket up then he almost hot hit by a bullet but the button saved. him because it bounced off the button on then he tried again so he can get to the other side  so he can happen a injured soldier. So then he tried to do it again then too bullet's came and both of the bullet's hit too button's and to of the bullet's bounced off again then he got to the injured soldier and then they got some more soldier's came and happened them...                      

Wednesday 7 April 2021

Sheldon marshmallow and spaghetti challenge

 On Wednesday my Whole Class did this challenge. We had to put marshmallows on spaghetti and try to make the biggest Tower and we got some. Tape it was lot of fun but if the tower came down then you have to restart.You had to have 3 To 4 people in your team the boys name that was in my team was Paul and Francis. has you can see on the photo our tower of marshmallow and spaghetti did not for over but some of the other team's tower did fall over the marshmallow and spaghetti had to say up for 10 seconds but my team marshmallow and spaghetti tower did not fall over.But there was other people's tower that did not fall over so it was a tie.

Wednesday 24 March 2021

Sheldon Six-sentence story - NARRATIVE

 Six-sentence story

Sentence 1: Start with ‘Once upon a time’ and introduce the main character

Sentence 2: Describes where the character lived

Sentence 3: Describes where the character’s special talent

Sentence 4: Describes the character’s problem

Sentence 5: Tells why the character felt that way

Sentence 6: Tells how the character solved the problem

1. Once upon a time...there was a  Young man that loved to do Skydiving out of Planes Everyday he Wood Wake up and go in his car and Drive. To the Airport and go’s on a plane  

2. When he gets on the plane he gets ready to go Off sometimes there is lot of People that goes Skydiving 

3.when he finishes doing Skydiving he goes to Visit his mum’s Grave  his says there for 1 hour 

4.when he finishes visiting his mum Grave he goes back home and get ready to have Dinner   

5.but when he haves dinner he as it by himSelf he has no Wife    

6.but he has lot of Friends that come to his house 

Tuesday 16 March 2021

THE Pelicans' Secret


Answer the following questions in a different colour text.

  1. How do some animals in the bush get injured?by the bush fires

  2. Why do animal rescue centres need lots of workers?to take care of the animal

  3. How do volunteers help at animal rescue centres?by giving them food 

  4. Why are bush fires dangerous for koalas?the bush fires can hurt lot of the koalas

  5. Which animals might people find sick or injured in their gardens?koalas 

  6. Why are some people no longer able to care for pets?because they have to take care of other things  

  7. Why do workers at rescue centres try to find new homes for some of the animals?so they can take care of some more animals 

  8. What special care might some very young animals need?the young animals need lot of food so they can get Better 

  9. How would a baby kangaroo or possum be fed at home?they can get fed all day and have lot of things that can help 

Thursday 11 February 2021

About me

 HI my name is Sheldon. I am 12 years old. I go to pt england school in NZ and i have 3 brothers but my brothers are from my dad’s side but  have one brother on my mom’s side and i have just one sister but im the young’s.when im at school i like to do maths but i am not that good at Whiting and i'm just not that good at Reading as Well and at my school we get free Lunch we get Random things when we get the free lunch.The things that i not like at school is when the Teachers Star to my school we have Rules like Respect and Think about it that is two of the Rules but there is more but there is just to mach to till culture is Maori and a Little of Fiji when im at school i like to do sport there is lot of sports i like to like rugby and Soccer and that is all i ave 2 Cousins that come to this school as will.when it is time to go out and play i go play with my Friends we play handball i’m not that good at it but some of friends are good at it but sometimes we Lose the ball Because some of my Friends Bouncers High and it Stuck on the roof sometimes we Try to Climb the roof to get the ball.but when we Can't get it then we go To the teacher and Ask them to get it when it is home time we have to Pack up and then we have to pot up the Cheers.